After the pandemic, many things became dependent on digital platforms, including defining the image of parties and representatives in politics
February 7: A lot has been changed over the years, looking at how the advent of technology and the rise of the internet of things have gone ahead in revolutionizing industries and sectors of the world. It is amazing to notice how these technological advances have disrupted industries for the better, bringing about a wave of great change and transforming people’s lives, offering them ease and convenience in ways more than one. Amidst technological advancements and the rise of digital platforms pushing forward growth for sectors, how could the world of politics remain behind?
Yash Mishra says that digital platforms play significant roles in defining the influence of voters in elections, which has proved how these platforms have been pushing the envelope and taking over almost all industries worldwide. Statistics show the growth of the digital advertising industry with $3.24 billion as on 2022. Also, in 2020, there were 700 million Internet users in India, which is now expected to increase to 900 million by 2025. All these numbers prove how well people, brands, industries, and others are integrating their work with the digital mediums as they are aware of how most of the population today is found on the net.
It is essential to notice here that after the pandemic broke, many industries and businesses had to choose the digital way to carry forward their activities and take their businesses ahead. This today has become a way of life for many entrepreneurs, artists, politicians, brands, and companies all over the world. Yash Mishra, whose agency Glossour is currently working on the state E election campaign of 2022 Uttarakhand state election, noticed how after the pandemic, digital platforms also played a key role in defining the image of parties and representatives and eventually decisions.
He highlights that in the coming years, digital platforms will increasingly become a necessity for people and industries to reach their visions and efforts to the people they wish to cater to, inspiring further innovation and growth of the digital realm as a whole. Branding too, has seen to have helped various niches, including politics, through different digital marketing strategies and services, which in turn give political leaders the knowledge and expertise in strategizing their elections.
Lastly, the young entrepreneur and digital and political strategist say that it is only smart to adapt to the digital platforms for branding and the like so that better strategic planning can be exercised, bringing great results to politicians and leaders.